Our expert writers offer book reports for any academic discipline. 100% plagiarism-free writing, based on your instruction, and unlimited edits are guaranteed.
Get Free Book Review CritiqueCustom book reports - our writing wizards compose each report from scratch to suit your individual goals. Each book report is based on your instructions and is 100% plagiarism-free, and we attach a plagiarism report to prove it.
Talented and professional writers - we have 250+ writers and editors who specialize in 65+ disciplines. Each writer has at least a Bachelor's degree which guarantees high quality of writing and proper referencing.
Free revisions for 2 weeks - if you're not satisfied with the paper, your book report writer will revise it for free. Message your suggestions to the writer, and we'll keep improving the piece until you are satisfied.
Open 24/7 - our website works non-stop and accepts orders round the clock. If you've remembered about your assignment late in the evening, no worries, we're on it. Customer support team is also online 24/7 on chat.
Free formatting - we format all book reports according to the style you've chosen. Accurate formatting goes for free with every writing order.
96% client satisfaction rate - thanks to personalized approach to each customer, affordable prices and excellent on-topic writing, 96% of customers gave us a 5-star rating!
Reading is exciting when you pick a book by your favorite author, get comfortable in the chair or in your bed and plunge into the imaginary world. However, things are more trivial with school or college book reports. Quite often, your teacher or instructor will ask to create a book review on a particular book. And if you don't like the assigned book, such an assignment would be unenjoyable, to say the least.
Moreover, as a student, you have lots of other academic assignments to complete, and you might struggle to allocate enough time for composing each of them. In this case, most students turn to professional book report writers to hand in every assignment on time and buy custom book report online.
At ShinyEssays.com, we guarantee timely delivery of each paper you order. Even if you need a book report in 12 hours, we're on it. Our writers are knowledgeable enough to draft even the most complex assignments in short time frames. No matter if it's a 12-hour or a 2-week deadline, what we deliver is a custom book report. It is written uniquely for you, and contains 0% plagiarism. Try our services today with a 21% discount, and ease your school life!
When you work on a book report, you want your efforts to pay off. You want to submit the paper that meets the teacher's expectations and gets you an A. At Shinyessays.com, we have perfected the art of writing great book summary assignments. To handle this task, we recommend that you take the following steps:
A book report assignment may assume making the summary or the book content, or your detailed evaluation and opinion. Say, you may be asked to describe the main character, the plot or evaluate dialogues. Everything depends on your academic level and the teacher's demands. Read the task carefully several times so that you perfectly understand what is expected of you, as this is the only way to receive the highest grade.
If given a choice, stay on the book you like, or that of your favorite genre/author. Writing a review is time-consuming, as you'll have to spend hours reading the book, taking notes and reflecting on it even before you get down to writing. If the book sparks interest, working on this assignment will be easier and more enjoyable. However, if the teacher doesn't give you an opportunity to choose a book, you can turn to our custom book report writing service for help.
The structure of your report will depend on the question posed by your instructor. However, there is a traditional structure that is helpful in most cases:
In this part, you outline the author and the title and provide other essentials. They include the genre (fiction, biography, etc.), short overview of the plot, or maybe the description of the book cover or the story associated with writing of this book. This section is meant to give a brief introduction and the context to the reader of your essay.
Here, you are expected to describe the book's plot and main ideas. You should describe the main characters and how the author portrays them, and indicate the key elements of the story line. It is also helpful to mention the time, location, or any other important details that relate to narrator. Do not give your personal opinion here - you will have the opportunity to do so further.
At this point, students analyze the metaphors, symbols, references or hommage. It is necessary to evaluate if the author used these linguistic methods effectively and if they delivered the point, as well as the intent of the author. This type of analysis is quite complicated, but do not worry. Our custom book report writers can complete the entire paper or its most challenging part for you.
After you've analyzed the plot and the text, it is time to give your personal opinion. Mention the elements and characters you liked most and why. Provide a personal opinion about the plot, themes, emotional impact, or discuss how this book compares to other works of this author. You may use first or third person for this section, depending on the paper instructions.
In this section, you summarize the main points you have made in previous paragraphs. This paragraph contains an overall impression about the book, the plot and main themes.
In most cases, teachers assign writing a book report for a fiction book. Non-fiction reviews follow the same structure, but are slightly different. Firstly, instead of a plot you will need to depict the subject and the author's point of view. And secondly, focus on the most interesting ideas that draw your attention. In case with biography books, they can be the milestones of a person's life.
As a rule, you will be asked to cite and format the paper according to APA, MLA or other style guide. If you use direct quotes from the book, you need to cite them, otherwise, this will count as plagiarism. Be sure to prepare a list of references you've used at the end of the paper.
Now that your book report is complete, read it again and check for mistakes. Teachers can give you a lower grade if the paper is full of grammar, punctuation and style issues. You can start with using an online spell checker to get rid of minor issues like typos, misspelled words or missed commas. After that, read the text alound to make sure each sentence makes sense.
If English grammar isn't your cup of tea, consider a professional proofreader. On our website, you can offer proofreading at under $10 per page.
As a reputable book report writing service, we offer our customers to buy custom book reports and countless perks including:
The main focus of our agency is to satisfy our clients' needs. When contacting us, you can rest assured that your book report, presentation, case study or thesis will be composed promptly and to the highest standards. In case you don't like your custom paper, we offer unlimited free revisions until you are satisfied. And, if we don't deliver the order timely or deliver a low-quality work, we issue refunds.
During 12+ years of experience in the essay market, we have assisted thousands of students in the US and beyond. Contact us today and let us impress you with excellent work of writing book reports!
Plagiarism is considered academic theft and has serious consequences. A student who plagiarizes can fail the assignment or the entire course. We take plagiarism issues seriously as well, and check all custom book reports using Copyscape premium software. We can attach a free plagiarism report on your request.
We consistently deliver quality as we vigorously select people who want to work with us. Every professional writer has to take English proficiency and subject matter tests to prove their knowledge. We also check each writer's credentials and experience. As a result, less than 10% of applicants get accepted to our team of writers and editors. When entrusting your custom book reports to us, you can be confident it's prepared by a real professional, not a random freelancer.
We take care of your privacy. Your personal information remains secure and is not visible to anyone online. Full rights for the written paper are given to you. Payment information is totally secure, as we use a special encryption system.
It takes only 15 minutes to place an order and upload your instructions. Unlike other essay writing services, we don't force you to choose the writer - your personal manager will select the best qualified writer for you. You'll be able to communicate with the writer in our internal messaging system. The ready paper is sent to your email in DOCX format.
Students often live on a budget. With that in mind, we offer truly helpful and valuable services that save your time and help score higher in college. On the flip side, we keep the prices affordable - a book report writing service costs from $21 only. You pay for the content only, as we provide a cover, abstract, and reference list free of charge.
Our prices depend on the academic level, deadline, and page count. You can calculate the final price on the Prices&Discounts page. We give every new client a 21% off, so you could appreciate our professional writers. Regular customers enjoy lifetime discounts that grow as you place more orders.
If the paper is highly important, consider our Premium and Platinum services. In this case, your academic assignment will be composed by one of our Top 10 writers, and then a PhD editor will double-check it for mistakes.
Apart from custom book reports, our experienced writers can help with these paper types:
Each project is handled by a writer who specialize in the given area, so informative and accurate writing is guaranteed.
Professional writing services agencies get hundreds of "write my book report" requests from students and scholars each day. Since modern students do not like to read novels to carry out an in depth analysis of the book and introduce a high quality writing piece, they order a book report online to ensure the academic success of their literary analysis. Book review writing requires extensive use of literary analysis and critical analysis skills. Still, it is a challenge for modern learners to develop good custom book review papers or deal with more complex assignment types.
If you realize you cannot cope with your academic writing assignment due to the lack of an in depth understanding of book's themes, the selected subject, and academic standards of book report writing. Send your "write my book report online" request to our dedicated support team, and we will provide you with a personal order manager. If you have problems with your term paper, order progressive delivery of the final draft of your book report in a few clicks.
Why is our custom book review service the most professional? All our papers are created in accordance with all academic writing standards, without major mistakes made by the authors of other similar services. Past clients of our service admit the professionalism of our writers and strict adherence to the instructions and research paper requirements. Take a look at the list of characteristics that we are proud of:
Have no time or inspiration to work on your assignments? Purchase custom book reports from expert writers, and get a submission-ready text in a due time. We are open 24/7 - get in touch if you have any questions!
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